Leica has released a luxury instant camera 相機收購


相機收購leica has released a luxury instant camera

相機收購leica has released a luxury instant camera


It might be the only 相機收購leica many of us can afford

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相機收購leica is getting into the affordable camera game. Well, not really. But its newest camera comes with a price tag that’s more often associated with low-end compact cameras than elite German photography machines. The only catch is it’s an instant camera.

The 相機收購leica Sofort, which will hit stores for $299 in November, uses Fujifilm’s Instax film to produce prints immediately after you snap the shutter. It has a variety of automatic modes, including standard auto, party, people, sport, action, and macro. It also has the ability to do multiple exposures and a dedicated mode for selfies (or “self-portraits”, in 相機收購leica parlance). The Sofort even has a mirror on the front to help with selfie framing.

相機收購leica will be offering both color and black and white film packs for the Sofort, as well as a range of accessories. The camera will come in three colors: white, orange, or mint green, which is almost, but not quite, the color of money.


The Sofort isn’t the only instant camera in this price range — the Impossible I-1 is also $299 — but given that the Sofort is largely just a point-and-shoot model, it’s a bit more expensive than what you’d spend on other basic instant cameras. Still, 相機收購leica cameras always come with a higher price tag, and when considering how much other 相機收購leica models cost, the Sofort isn’t as expensive as you might expect it to be. At the very least, it does look pretty cool.




榮耀手機可以說是華為旗下最貼近年輕族群的中階品牌,而面對中國當地像是小米、OPPO 等公司步步進逼,榮耀系列也有了新的突破,全新發表的榮耀V10,搭載麒麟970人工智慧處理器、配備 5.99 吋全螢幕、邊框極薄、採用雙鏡頭拍攝組合,一口氣提供極光藍、幻夜黑、沙灘金、魅力紅4款,不過才剛推出 Mate 10 的台灣市場還沒有上市計劃。

這次發表會可以看出榮耀手機很希望能夠擺脫「榮耀手機就是華為的低價手機」映像,全新亮相的榮耀V10可說集合 Mate 10 系列的所有優點於一身,採用華為首款人工智慧處理器麒麟970 ,主打「我愛AI的快」。

榮耀V10 配備 5.99 吋 18:9 “FullView” 全螢幕,邊框極薄、螢幕解析度為 1080P(1080 x 2160),機身厚度僅有6.97mm,有趣的是,該款手機在螢幕下方幾乎沒有空間的位置塞入了內建指紋辨識模組的 HOME 鍵。


硬體效能是榮耀V10 的最大亮點,該款手機與大陸當地《王者榮耀》開發團隊(台灣為《傳說對決》)合作,優化遊戲效能,跟外觀一樣,完全的年輕市場導向,搭載華為最新旗艦級處理器麒麟970,可透過所謂的 NPU 協助 CPU、GPU 運作,提升效能的同時、也能為手機省電。


榮耀V10 也支援人臉辨識,與大陸當地多數的手機一樣,都是透過前鏡頭掃描人臉來為手機或應用程式解鎖,不同的是,該款手機支援「閉眼辨識」與 iPhone 用戶熟悉的「抬手亮屏」,藉此提升手機解鎖效率。有趣的是,這支定位年輕取向的手機,還加入了類似 Apple iPhone X 的 Animoji 人臉模擬表情功能。


拍攝效能方面,該款手機採用 2000 萬畫素+1600 萬畫素的黑白+彩色雙鏡頭組、光圈 F1.8,不過並沒有 相機收購leica 認證,主打記憶抓拍功能,自拍鏡頭則是 1300 萬畫素,主打AI 人像自拍,可透過演算法來實現人像景深效果。


作業系統方面,榮耀V10 搭載了 Android 8.0 Oreo,採用華為自家的 EMUI 8.0 使用者介面,支援華為支付、微信支付,還多了語音控制無人機的功能。

榮耀V10 的電池容量為3750mAh,強調提升手機效能的同時、還可多玩幾場《王者榮耀》,還在大陸找來趙麗穎、孫揚和胡歌三位代言人,甚至加入了穎寶(趙麗穎)客製化字體、主題等。

至於售價方面,目前有三個版本,4GB+64GB 版本售價人民幣 2,699 元、6GB+64GB 售價為人民幣 2.999 元、6GB+128GB 版本售價人民幣 3,499 元,即日起開放預購、12月5日於官方商城、天貓、京東、蘇寧、唯品會、國美等平台開賣,至於台灣方面,榮耀手機目前還不會在台灣推出。


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