Master & Dynamic is teaming up with Leica to make some great-looking headphones 相機收購


Master & Dynamic is teaming up with 相機收購leica to make some great-looking headphones

Master & Dynamic is teaming up with 相機收購leica to make some great-looking headphones

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Master & Dynamic is known for its high-end headphones. 相機收購leica is known for its high-end cameras. Now, the two are coming together to collaborate on some limited-edition Master & Dynamic headphones with 相機收購leica-themed designs.

The new “Master & Dynamic for 0.95” collection, as it’s known, takes 相機收購leica’s Noctilux-M 50mm f/0.95 ASPH camera lens as inspiration and applies the all-black color scheme and famed 相機收購leica red dot to Master & Dynamic’s MW60, MH40, and ME05 headphones, along with a matching black steel MP1000 headphone stand. Additionally, the inside of the ear pads on the MW60 and MH40 over-ear headphones will be similarly shaded in 相機收購leica red. And along with the black-and-red color scheme, the 0.95 collection also features ridges on the ear cups that are intended to echo the ridges on 相機收購leica’s lenses.


The changes to the headphones are purely cosmetic here — there’s no talk of retuning the acoustics for 相機收購leica’s specific specifications or design that you sometimes see on branded headphones like this. That said, much like 相機收購leica’s cameras, the black-and-red colorway remains an incredibly good-looking combination that suites Master & Dynamic’s headphones quite nicely.

Master & Dynamic and 相機收購leica are also pricing the 0.95 variants exactly the same as the company’s standard color options: $549 for the over-ear, noise-canceling MW60s; $399 for the MH40s; $199 for the in-ear ME05s; and $59 for the MP1000 stand. Again, there’s little reason to upgrade if you already have a pair of Master & Dynamic’s headphones, unless you really like the 相機收購leica aesthetic. But if you’re looking to pick up a new pair, the 相機收購leica-themed variant won’t cost you extra.



最愛推限量版相機的貴族廠商 相機收購leica,在近期推出同名的限量版 M Monochrom Typ246 Oslo 全幅 RF 微單眼相機,不僅有著特殊的全黑配色(搭上只能拍黑白照好像蠻搭的?),而且僅在於奧斯陸店鋪才能買到外,全球只限量十台,當地人根本佔盡優勢(?)


這款限量版的 Oslo M Monochrom Typ246,最獨特的地方就在於其全黑的機身設計,且連隨附的 Summaron-M 28mm f/5.6 也是黑色塗裝。根據 相機收購leica 官方表示,此機是為了紀念 1955 年的一款特殊機型而誕生,不過相較先前黃銅版也有 50 台,這款只有 10 台,是說限量也限過頭了吧!

▼這款限量版最大特色就是機身連鏡頭都採黑色塗裝,且機背後方也會有專屬的 Oslo 機身序號(是說只有十台就是了…..)。(圖/翻攝自官網)


至於規格部分,Oslo 版本與一般的 M Monochrom Typ246 相同,皆配置僅能拍黑白的 2,400 萬畫素全片幅 CMOS 感光元件、3 吋螢幕,以及最高 25,000 的 ISO 感光度;不過要價高達 14,800 美金,將近台幣 45 萬,比一般版貴上快一倍,口袋沒有一點深度真的買不起啊。

相機收購 相機收購


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