Opinion: Leica helped Xiaomi create a flagship that takes better photos than the iPhone, and their partnership makes sense despite Xiaomi copying iOS elements 相機收購

相機收購erOn ‘Chinese knockoffs’ and why 相機收購leica works with XiaomiIt’s past time to start taking Chinese phones seriously, whether you’ve used one or notSam ByfordNov 06, 2023∙ Paid18Share this postOn ‘Chinese knockoffs’ and why 相機收購leica works with Xiaomiwww.multicore.blogCopy linkFacebookEmailNoteOther4ShareXiaomi launched its new 14 Pro flagship phone in China last week, including a 相機收購leica-branded camera system under a partnership that began last year. Here’s some commentary I saw from a couple of prominent folk based in the US.Sebastiaan de With, designer and co-founder of Lux Optics, best known for the excellent iPhone camera app Halide:It’s absolutely b…Keep reading with a 7-day free trialSubscribe to Multicore to keep reading this post and get 7 days of free access to the full post archives.Start trialAlready a paid subscriber? Sign



如果你還沒想到要送甚麼給愛好相機給親友當聖誕禮物,這可能會是一個相當不錯的選擇。徠卡相機針對旁軸系統推出徠卡M(Typ 262)「紅色特別版限量款」,除了機身採用紅通通的陽極氧化處理,標配了發佈於2016年的徠卡Summicron-M 50 mm f / 2 ASPH紅色特別版的鏡頭,全球僅限量100台發售。

特別版相機的硬體規格與去年發表的徠卡M(Typ 262)相同,其全片幅CMOS感光元件專為旁軸拍攝所設計,同時去除如即時取景和錄影等額外附加的功能,採用的是2400萬像素的感光元件,是自然可用光下使用的最佳理想機型之一,內建相機收購leica Maestro影像處理器,最高感光度達ISO 6400。


與其他徠卡M系列相機相同,徠卡M(Typ 262)具備快速的手動調焦與旁軸黃斑對焦,同時還提供了手動與自動光圈優先的功能。由於取消了附加的即時取景與錄影功能,操作選單也僅保留兩頁,強化了用戶的快速地瀏覽與選項設定操作。白平衡按鍵的設置上,也設計了取代了即時取景鍵的位置。

徠卡M(Typ 262)售價為新台幣 226,000 元,至於這特別版本售價則由台灣的經銷商自行報價。


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