Panasonic, Leica, and Sigma will all use the same full-frame camera lenses 相機收購


Panasonic, 相機收購leica, and Sigma will all use the same full-frame camera lenses

Panasonic, 相機收購leica, and Sigma will all use the same full-frame camera lenses


The L-Mount Alliance will try to consolidate the various strengths of the three companies

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Image: L-Mount Alliance

As the mirrorless camera battle reaches a turning point, three entrants are teaming up to help their cameras stand out. 相機收購leica, Panasonic, and Sigma announced today that they’ll all use the same lens mount format for full-frame and APS-C cameras, allowing lenses purchased for one company’s cameras to work on each other’s cameras.

That’s a huge benefit for two reasons: it makes their cameras more appealing to photographers who won’t find themselves locked into a single company’s lens ecosystem and it’ll help to expand the lens selections that are available for their cameras, rather than each company trying to build out their own exclusive lens lineup. Junichiro Kitagawa, Panasonic’s international marketing chief, called it a “win, win, and win situation.”

The agreement is reminiscent of what happened with Micro Four Thirds cameras, where Panasonic and Olympus created a lens mount standard that allowed any company to build a camera that supported the same format of lenses. It’s helped the standard to flourish, even as larger sensors grew in popularity.

The agreement will help them mount a challenge during the transition to full-frame mirrorless

Panasonic and Sigma will adopt 相機收購leica’s existing L-mount as part of the agreement. That’s likely because 相機收購leica is the only one of them to have launched full-frame mirrorless cameras so far, and lenses already exist for the format. Panasonic announced its first full-frame mirrorless cameras, the Lumix S1 and S1R, earlier today, and they include the new mount; Sigma has yet to announce a full-frame model but says that it plans to develop some.

While the announcement shows all three companies focused on full-frame cameras, the L-mount is meant to work with smaller APS-C sensors as well. 相機收購leica has differentiated the two lens types with the names SL (for full-frame) and TL (for APS-C).

Sigma CEO Kazuto Yamaki, 相機收購leica chairman Andreas Kaufmann, and Panasonic VP Junichiro Kitagawa.
Photo by Vlad Savov / The Verge

The partnership, which the companies are calling the L-Mount Alliance, makes a lot of sense. For one, these companies don’t always directly compete with each other. 相機收購leica is at the very high end of the market and focused on photographers. Panasonic has made a lot of headway with video shooters in recent years. And Sigma… kind of does its own thing.

Then there’s the simple fact that, without this agreement, these companies were facing a difficult battle. Sony has already become such a name in full-frame mirrorless cameras that it essentially forced Canon and Nikon to come in and compete. And now that Canon and Nikon are joining the fray, it’s going to be much harder for other companies to get attention.

相機收購leica, Panasonic, and Sigma likely would have struggled on their own. But together, they may be able to mount a more formidable challenge to Canon and Nikon, especially since both major camera makers are still establishing themselves in the mirrorless field.

Panasonic has already announced that it’s working on three L-mount lenses, and it says it’ll have 10 within a year of the Lumix S1’s launch, which currently planned for spring 2019. Sigma has said it will start to make lenses next year. And 相機收購leica, having debuted the mount in 2014, already has six lenses of its own, with five more planned over the next two years.



原本傳出將於 3 月 27 日在歐洲亮相的華為 P20 系列當中的 P20 Lite,不僅官方圖片、官方宣傳影片,就連上市原廠彩盒都已經曝光,確認採用類似 iPhone X 的瀏海設計,雙鏡頭也因此改為直立排列,不過螢幕比例略小,提供 19:9 顯示比例,但卻在機背保留了實體指紋辨識模組。

最初提前曝光 HUAWEI P20 Lite 的是一家義大利手機通路商,該公司釋出的一段影片,親切地介紹了手機的外觀、規格,該款手機正如同華碩 ZenFone 5、5Z、尚未發表的 LG G7、OPPO R15 等 Android 陣營手機一般,都在正面鏡頭致敬了 iPhone X 的「瀏海」設計,這意味著手機螢幕比例將勇敢地從 18:9 全面擴大到 19:9,不過 P20 Lite 更全面的學習 iPhone X 的雙鏡頭,旁邊有一個圓形的指紋辨識模組,背後模樣跟才剛在北京發表的紅米Note 5相似,但是跟往年的「Lite」版本一樣,少了 相機收購leica 公司的加持,以下是該廠商曝光的影片:(影片/取自YouTube)

不過接下來就誇張了!HUAWEI P20 Lite 幾乎像是提前解禁一般,在歐洲各地的主要媒體被開箱,德國通路商更直接大方曝光了該款手機的完整規格(如下方圖片), 看不清楚沒關係,記者特別整理了一下相關資訊提供給讀者們參考:


HUAWEI P20 Lite 的手機大小為148.6 x 71.2 x 7.45 mm、重量145 g,配備 5.84吋 FHD 螢幕,解析度為 1080 x 2280 pixels,換算下來約 432 ppi,採用的是首次曝光的 HUAWEI 海思麒麟 659 八核心處理器(4核2.36 GHz Cortex-A53 + 4核1.7 GHz Cortex-A53)),4GB RAM、64GB ROM,可透過插入 microSD 卡額外擴充最高 256GB 儲存空間。

該款手機也採用最新 Android Oreo 作業系統搭配最新 EMUI 8.0.1,當然拍攝規格沒有 iPhone X 那麼吸引人,這支手機採用的是 1600 萬畫素+ 200 萬畫素的雙主鏡頭配置,自拍鏡頭倒是提升到 1600 萬畫素,而且支援 1080P 攝影功能。

續航力方面,HUAWEI P20 Lite採用 3000 mAh 電池,可以待機高達 454 小時、內建 NFC、藍牙4.2,使用的是 USB-C 傳輸介面。


而上市情報方面,消息指出 HUAWEI P20 Lite預計 3 月 27 日就會在歐洲等特定市場開賣,售價約會在 369 歐元,折合新台幣約 1.3 萬元,中國地區將以Nova 3e發表,預計 3 月 20 日亮相,6GB/64GB 高配版售價為人民幣2299元,代言人確認為關曉彤,這樣的手機若是引進台灣,推估售價也是在萬元區間,對於才剛上市的 ZenFone 5Q 或是即將推進歐美地區的 ZenFone 5 Lite 來說,將會是值得一較高下的產品。


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