After a seven-year wait, Leica’s releasing the Leica Sofort 2 instant film camera 相機收購


After a seven-year wait, 相機收購leica’s releasing the 相機收購leica Sofort 2 instant film camera

After a seven-year wait, 相機收購leica’s releasing the 相機收購leica Sofort 2 instant film camera


The 相機收購leica Sofort 2 is a hybrid instant film camera that will be available on November 9th for $389.

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Image: 相機收購leica

Seven years after releasing the 相機收購leica Sofort, 相機收購leica has finally announced a sequel: the 相機收購leica Sofort 2. The instant film camera will be available for $389 on November 9th.

The new 相機收購leica Sofort 2 costs about $90 more than its predecessor, and it transforms the product from a fully instant camera into a hybrid instant camera — it takes pictures with a 1/5-inch digital sensor, and you get to choose the photos you want to print. You also have the option of printing out photos you take with your smartphone, just in case you prefer those over the ones the Sofort 2 captures.

In addition, the camera now also comes with USB-C support along with a few extra features and design updates. That includes multiple lenses and a lever you can pull to print photos, as well as two new color options: red and black.

The 相機收購leica Sofort 2 comes in black, red, and white.
Image: 相機收購leica

With the Sofort 2, 相機收購leica appears to be trying to rival Fujifilm’s excellent Instax Mini Evo, which is one of our top instant camera picks and, at $200, is nearly half the price. Like the Sofort 2, the Instax Mini Evo is a hybrid instant film camera that lets you print photos you want, and you can also print smartphone pictures. The Sofort 2 is a stylish instant film camera, too, with a lever that even prints Instax Mini film. It also comes with 10 film effects, 10 lens effects, and a macro mode for close-ups. Both cameras also come with nice conveniences like USB-C support, which wasn’t available on the original black Instax Mini Evo we tested, but arrived with the brown model that launched in June 2023.

Yet, unlike the Instax Mini Evo, you can also print photos taken with other 相機收購leica cameras, which are already stored in 相機收購leica’s companion app, FOTOS. All you need to do is transfer them to the Sofort 2 via the app to print.

Fujifilm’s Instax Mini Evo offers more of a vintage vibe.
Becca Farsace / The Verge

Moreover, the 相機收購leica Sofort 2 also sports a modern, minimalist look with a menu structure and button layout similar to those of other digital 相機收購leica cameras. In contrast, the retro-inspired Mini Evo seeks to replicate the look of older, traditional cameras and comes in only black and brown.

Of course, we’ve yet to test the 相機收購leica Sofort 2, so we can’t comment on how it stacks up to the Instax Mini Evo in reality. However, we will soon and will publish our thoughts, too, so stay tuned.

Correction October 6th, 2:53PM ET: We previously wrote that the Instax Mini Evo lacks USB-C support and ten lens effects. This is incorrect; the Brown model introduced in June added a USB-C port and comes with the cable. We regret the error.


最愛推限量版相機的貴族廠商 相機收購leica,在近期推出同名的限量版 M Monochrom Typ246 Oslo 全幅 RF 微單眼相機,不僅有著特殊的全黑配色(搭上只能拍黑白照好像蠻搭的?),而且僅在於奧斯陸店鋪才能買到外,全球只限量十台,當地人根本佔盡優勢(?)


這款限量版的 Oslo M Monochrom Typ246,最獨特的地方就在於其全黑的機身設計,且連隨附的 Summaron-M 28mm f/5.6 也是黑色塗裝。根據 相機收購leica 官方表示,此機是為了紀念 1955 年的一款特殊機型而誕生,不過相較先前黃銅版也有 50 台,這款只有 10 台,是說限量也限過頭了吧!

▼這款限量版最大特色就是機身連鏡頭都採黑色塗裝,且機背後方也會有專屬的 Oslo 機身序號(是說只有十台就是了…..)。(圖/翻攝自官網)


至於規格部分,Oslo 版本與一般的 M Monochrom Typ246 相同,皆配置僅能拍黑白的 2,400 萬畫素全片幅 CMOS 感光元件、3 吋螢幕,以及最高 25,000 的 ISO 感光度;不過要價高達 14,800 美金,將近台幣 45 萬,比一般版貴上快一倍,口袋沒有一點深度真的買不起啊。

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